Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow, HM planting PADI

Passing by the wasan today and apparently a PADI plantation event is going on over there. Having nothting to do, I call up BLACKSWAN and we went there to have a look. Shock by what we saw, HM is planting PADI. wow wow.........

We were told this is the new machines that the Agriculture department has bought to improve the rice production and self-sufficiency level in the future.

New PADI just planted on a plot of land. In the future, Brunei will have its own rice, it is really amazing. Can you imagine, we will not be buying Thailand Frag

Have no idea what this is call, just know that it is somekind of planting process in putting the seeds in the plot of land where you wanted to plant it on. And of course "mechanically".

Everyone should watch this, it is so easy and magnificent. This car just walk pass, and the PADI plant will directly be planted in rows. Another advantages of modern technology.

Here is the series of scene on HM and all big shots planting PADI.

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