Monday, December 22, 2008

Times Square - Carrie Chau Indigo Child Exhibition 2008

Once approaching Times Square, we were deeply attracted by these magical wonderful sculptures and acryclic artwork exhibited outside as well as inside the square. The sculptures looks so real, cute and somehow different. It is just so wonderland.

Entering the mall

Inside the mall
When inside Times Square, we found out that all these sculptures were part of an exhibition held there. it is an "Indigo Child Exhibition by Carrie Chau".

Carrie Chau was born in Hong Kong. She believes her past live was an alien from another planet and so she has difficulty in communicating with human beings in this lives. She got her first painting equipments from her mother at 4 years old and did face painting for her ten kindergarden classmates. Since then, she has started to paint and couldn't stop it.

In this exhibition, her work was named "Indigo child".

In fact, "Indigo child" is the legend from another planet.

The alien came to save the earth in late 70's by plunging in a new programme into the brains of human babies. This was a programme to bring in a new set of thinking and values of human beings to the earth. When the babies grow up, they become indigo children and they are here to mash down old systems that no longer serve us, make the world into a safer and more secure place.

All indigo child share some commonalities, they love to dream, highly sensitive and clairvoyant. They love their environment and little animals. They all have large and penetrating eyes and an elegant indigo-blue aura around them. The most important is they have connected human beings to the future.

Today, these children have grown up and lived all over the world.

If you believed in this legend, you may be one of them. You may just not be aware of the great responsibility awaiting for you.

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