Thursday, January 29, 2009

Which one is more unexceptable ?

Which one do you think is more Unexceptable and painful to you?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year

還有健康 讓我帶封情書給你

祝你:新年快樂 你這一年就會財源滾滾

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chinese New Year Eve

Wah, big dinner, yummy yummy....................

Would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and GONG XI FA CAI. Wish what and get what too.

Wonder how much kilo gain by eating this meal ? (Sigh)
Anyhow, eat first then consider. Food, here i come.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No Electricity

Today is my first day of annual leave. Very happy and excited, i get to wake up late and just lay like a big fat worm on my couch. Ho Ho Ho Ho.................I love Chinese New Year, Angpow Angpow Angpow floating in my mind. $$$$$$$..................

Anyway, by afternoon i need to go over to Hua Ho to do my Chinese New Year shopping. Unfortunately, when i get there, Hua Ho is closed. *@$!#........... and I have to drove all the way there.........

Apparently, the whole kiulap got power blackout due to some substation flooding. No wonder Hua Ho closed coz' from my memory Hua Ho never closed lah. In the last few years, during most of the big festivals, Hua Ho is still open.

See, even the traffic light is not working (no power).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thank you, Blackswan

Thank you Blackswan for the Chinese New year gifts.
We love the fruits.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ocean Dome

Imagine a beach where the sky is always blue, it's never too hot or cold, the water isn't filled with salt and pollution, and the surf is always perfect.

Let us present to you, the OCEAN DOME. The world's only indoor beach.

Ocean Dome has its own flame-spitting volcano, crushed white marble 'sand', and it also boasts the world's largest retractable roof, providing a permanently blue sky. Temperature, wind and humidity are closely controlled to provide an ultra-safe 'sea-side' experience.

Every hour, the volcano erupts and the hi-tech wave machines start up, starting a few minutes of sanitized surfing. Entrance cost is US $50 per person, which seems especially expensive given that there is a free, natural beach only 300 meters away.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Exceptional CV form

This is the reason why the boss can faint when he sees the form filled by the interviewer. Ha ha ha ha.........

Name: Ah Boy
Still young
Never. Still under age
I only have experience praying my cat who dead 2 years before
I love to race, how you know?
I don't like National, I prefer Sanyo
IC Number:
Telephone number:
House no telephone
Hand phone number:
Penang Jelutong
City :
Nor Haliza?
I never post anything
In my family, I am 2nd
I love to travel to Canada
Marriage status:
Email Address:
Education Background:
My teacher said not bad
Working experience:
Last time got sell pirated VCD

Father's name: Daddy
Father's IC:
You ask him
Mother's name:
Mother's IC:
You ask her

Current Salary:
Depends on my daddy mood
Expected Salary:
As much as you can pay
When can start work:
Depends on my mood

Highest qualification:
Ya, very high

Ya, very high
Can I use chop?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Beware CNY Oranges






"我长这么大,还没有见过在橘子瓣的肉里隐藏那么多的蛆伢子,真是稀奇……"3日下午,在广元旺苍县嘉川镇鸡鸣山上的果园里,石桥村六组67岁的陈显阳老人对自 己脚下正在作深埋处理的5000多公斤柑橘很是感慨。在老人身后的山坡上,200 多壮劳力和他一样,正在橘园里采摘最后的果实,然后集中堆放,挖坑消毒深埋这些大多 数还泛着青光的果实。

鸡鸣山果园是广元市有名的柑橘园。陈显阳老人把记者带到了一个刚刚采摘完果实的橘园,树上已空空荡荡,不留一枚果实。在一宽、五米长的"葬橘"坑已经挖好,坑的外沿密密麻麻堆放着几千公斤橘子,正在等待运送来消毒的石灰就可以开始处理。在一半青一半黄的橘子堆上,陈显阳随手捡起三 只橘子,外表好好的,没有裂口也没有孔眼,一个一个分开外壳后,粗略一看,也没有什么异样,但当他选择一瓣橘子撕开绯红的橘肉,记者立即看到两条比米粒长的白白的蛆虫爬了出来……


"白白的蛆虫学名叫大实蝇,俗称柑蛆。"负责处理病虫害果实的嘉川镇农业服务站站长高鸣胜解 答了记者的疑惑。

高鸣胜说:"柑蛆作为一种寄生虫在果园生存并不奇怪,但像今年这样大面积暴发,产生灾难性的后果实属罕见。"据高鸣胜讲,最先发现柑蛆的是相邻的尚武镇。随 后县政府立即组织有关专家到相邻乡镇展开排查,很快,毗邻尚武镇的4个乡镇发现了较大面积的柑蛆。927日,县政府的柑橘大实蝇疫情防控通告发布,根据处置办法,先要将树上成熟、未成熟的果实全部采摘下来,按照每公斤0.30元的标准由政府统一收购,然后深埋、消毒作无公害化处理。


预计还有近3万公斤的果实需要采摘处理。"我们镇上处理果品最多的一户需要埋掉10万公斤柑橘果实,根据去年最低的市价估算,损失将在32 万元以上,目前还在做工作。"

旺苍县分管农业的副县长殷扶炯告诉记者,目前全县需要处理的柑橘类果品超过1000 万公斤,政府将拿出300万元资金进行统一收购作无公害化处理。


¦«华西都市报 »




今年管住了,明后年怎么办,如何做到"长治久安"?据夏均明说,根据已有经验和省市植保专家的会商结论,最好的办法是砍树,砍树后要进行低位嫁接,另外就是改栽其他经济林木。如果选择低位 嫁接,必须一年四季加强管理,根据不同季节翻土、修枝、施肥、撒药,连续35年,才能基本保证大实蝇"销声匿迹"



Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nyonya Food

After watching the "Little Nyonya" series, we purposely went over to Malacca to try this delicate nyonya cuisine. Apparently, it is v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. nice, we will be back again next year.

Ayam Ponteh

Steam otak-otak

Nyonya Popiah

Ayam Keluak

Buah Keluak had a hard shell and its originated from Indonesia.

Rempah Udang

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Old Town Coffee Shop

The best is always the most simplest. Just like this, a cup of white coffee, 2 half-boiled eggs and roti kahwin toast.

It reminds us of our kids time breakfast.^_^

Email Shock

I received this email from Miss Whale. While reading the mail, i can really felt the presence but apparently......................

Very Shocking.... .
This is a real story of a young college girl who passed away last month in Penang. Her name was Ai Ling. She was hit by a truck.

She was working in a call center. She had a boy friend named Tony.

Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone. She used to be never found without her hand phone.

In fact she also changed her network from Maxis to Digi, so that both of them can be on the same network, and save on the cost. Even when Tony left overseas to finish his masters, they constantly kept in touch.

She used to spend half of the day talking with Tony.
Ai Ling's family knew about their relationship.. Tony was very close to Ai Ling's family as well. (Just
imagine their love) . Before she passed away she always told her friends 'If I pass away please burn me with my hand phone' she also said the same thing to her parents.

After her death, people couldnt carry her body, A lot of them tried to do so, but still cant everybody that had tried to carry the body, the results were the same.

Eventually, they called a person known to one of their neighbours, who can speak with the soul of dead person and who was a friend of her father.

He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly.
After a few minutes, he said 'this girl misses something here.' Then her friends told that person about her intentions to burn her with her phone.

He then opened the grave box and place her phone and simcard inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the body. It was then moved easily and they then carried her into the van.

All of us were shocked. Ai Ling's parents did not inform Tony that AiLing had passed away as they're waiting for him to come home after his graduation..

After 2 weeks Tony returned and called Ai Ling's mom.......

Tony:....'Aunty, I'm coming home today. Cook something nice for me. Don't tell Ai Ling that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her.'
Her mother replied..... 'come home first, I wanna tell you something very important.'

After he came, they told him the truth about Ai Ling.
Tony thinks that they were playing a fool. He was laughing and said 'don't try to fool me - tell Ai Ling to come out, i have a gift for her... Please stop this nonsense'.

Then they show him the original death certificate to him. They gave him proof to make him believe. (Tony started to sweat) He said... 'Its not true. We spoke yesterday.. She still calls me.
Tony was shaking.

Suddenly, Tony's phone rang. 'see this is from Ai Ling, see this....' he showed the phone to Ai Ling's family. all of them told him to answer. he talked using the loudspeaker mode.

All of them heard his conversation. It is the actual voice of AiLing & there is no way others could use her sim card since it is nailed inside the grave box!

They were so shocked and asked for the same person's (who can speak with the soul of dead persons) help again. He brought his master to solve this matter.

He & his master worked for 5 hours. Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them....

Digi 'I will follow you!!!'


Monday, January 5, 2009

Twinsky Seafood

If in KK, must go eat seafood. During this trip, we eat at Twinsky Seafood.

This is actually a very big prawn - as big as our plate.
Even though the prawn is big but not "old".

We also eat a lot shells seafood.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bakuteh - 佑记肉骨茶

If you are in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 佑记肉骨茶 is a must go place. We exceptionally like the "Alcoholic pork liver" - cook with just the right time interval. Yummy yummy............

One of the greatest problem of this shop is that it opens at 4pm. Moreover, it is always full of customers, like the food is FOC. By the time you finish your food, you will see others standing behind you waiting for your table.

According to the taukeh, he said there are altogether 9 types of different pork bakuteh (based on different parts of the pork). There are liver, intestine, spareribs, meatballs, pork meat, pork tail, stomach, kidney and etc. We don't remember all. Anyhow, a must try restaurant.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

Let us all gather round and cheer,
With a drink of wine or an ice cold beer

Perhaps you're like me and don't drink the swill,
Or your like my grandparents who live on pills.
Maybe this world seems harsh at times,
Or its just that most of us just like to whine.

I'd say that this is a great place to be,
It all depends on how we can see.

True we've had bad things in the past,
But we know in our hearts that these will not last.

If we try our best to be simple and pure,
There's nothing our hopes and dreams cannot cure.

So, I don't know the value this is worth,
But lets all try to be happy and heal Mother Earth!

Happy New Year 2009!!!